Interesting Links for 06-04-2018

Apr 06, 2018 13:00

Unlike rats, humans don't produce new neurons in adulthood (tags: adult neuroscience neurons brain ) South Korean university boycotted over 'killer robots' (tags: ai weaponry robots ) Outsourcing your IT continues to be a terrible idea (tags: outsourcing software ) Giving toddlers a version of the classic Marshmallow Test (tags: self-control children ) How to Get the Comics Backstory for Avengers: Infinity War for Less Than $20 (tags: comics marvel ) I have totally tried to get this reaction out of Loki. But without this notch success so far. (tags: babies pregnancy video funny ) Renewable energy generated 104% of Portugal's electricity consumption in March (Scotland lagging at 68%) (tags: renewables portugal ) Fifty (or Sixty) Years of Processor Development…for This? (tags: hardware processor history computers ) How Belgium is defeating the gender pay gap (tags: Belgium pay inequality ) Teen buys every cupcake in shop after customer fat-shames her (tags: funny fat food ) Humans produce new brain cells throughout their lives (tags: brains neurons neuroscience viaPatrickHadfield ) Men overestimate their own intelligence and credentials, underestimate the abilities of female colleagues, making women doubt their own abilities (tags: men women science education OhForFucksSake Intelligence ) Seven-year follow-up shows lasting cognitive gains from meditation (tags: meditation attention psychology ) The chip credit card transition in the US has been a disaster Because the USA hates actually regulating things, each part of the system made their own decision, leading to the worst of all possible worlds
(tags: USA banking technology fail OhForFucksSake ) How mice moms' brains are hard-wired to gather young (tags: brain mother parenting mice ) 1,500 UK firms miss deadline to report gender pay gap (tags: pay gender business UK OhForFucksSake ) PubGrub: Next-Generation Version Solving This is the kind of math/logic puzzle solving which I find fascinating while also getting a headache from it.
(tags: software algorithms ) Class clowns: Playful boys viewed more negatively than playful girls (tags: gender school behaviour ) 221b Baker Street and the president of Kazakhstan's daughter - London's secret web of property ownership (tags: London secrecy property money uk ) New Scottish income tax system comes into force (tags: tax scotland ) Negative life events make men's brains age faster (tags: aging brain stress ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

viapatrickhadfield, stress, marvel, behaviour, business, computers, education, pregnancy, mother, scotland, women, renewables, brain, attention, inequality, pay, outsourcing, usa, secrecy, processor, london, meditation, belgium, babies, neurons, fat, children, links, history, ohforfuckssake, school, men, technology, science, property, uk, portugal, algorithms, ai, funny, hardware, comics, aging, video, software, intelligence, mice, fail, banking, money, brains, neuroscience, parenting, robots, gender, self-control, psychology, food, tax, adult, weaponry

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