Interesting Links for 14-03-2018

Mar 14, 2018 12:00

What does "Ireland First" mean, and how did we get here? (tags: Ireland uk europe ) Man Behind Scottish Comic Cons is a Far-Right Fanatic (tags: comics Scotland conventions bigotry uk ) Scottish Lobbying Register goes live (tags: scotland lobbying ) Just how dangerous is bacon? And how can we make it safer? (tags: food bacon safety cancer health viaSwampers ) The cliff that changed our understanding of time (tags: geology time history ) Future of 1p and 2p coins questioned by Treasury (tags: cash money uk ) A startup is pitching a mind-uploading service that is “100 percent fatal” (tags: death mind technology backup ) Men and women have opposite genetic alterations in depression (tags: gender depression genetics ) There seems to be a racist bomber loose in Austin, Texas (tags: racism terrorism texas usa ) Teach boys about periods (tags: menstruation boys ) Kangaroos: Still terrifying (tags: animals scary australia ) The terrifyingly early age that men start looking at girls sexually (tags: sex society girls age ) 1946 U.S. document reveals Poles treated Jews as badly as Germans did (tags: Holocaust Poland germany history Jews ) 'I want to explain arranged marriage to white people' (tags: Pakistan marriage games ) Stephen Hawking, legendary theoretical physicist, dies at 76 (tags: StephenHawking obituary ) "You Want a Physicist to Speak at Your Funeral" You can use it at mine, if you like
(tags: physics death viaElfy ) Analysis discovers 187 genetic locations for intelligence, 583 genes in total (tags: genetics Intelligence ) We now know 22 Trillion Digits of Pi, bringing us no closer to the end (tags: pi infinity ) How Hollywood Salaries Really Work (tags: money movies actors salary hollywood ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
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