Interesting Links for 14-02-2018

Feb 14, 2018 12:00

Childcare: Do UK parents pay the most in the world? (tags: children childcare uk money ) To improve your memory take a break after learning something (tags: memory ) Banned Georgian sex manual reveals strange beliefs (tags: history sex ) Possibly the stupidest bit of system design I have ever encountered. (And I've written some stupid stuff in my time) (tags: design OhForFucksSake programming ) Schizophrenia patients have been helped by a video game that helps them control their speech centers (tags: neuroscience psychology schizophrenia games ) Julian Assange: Warrant for his arrest upheld by court (tags: law uk JulianAssange ) Yes, sea level rise really is accelerating (tags: globalwarming ocean ) What Atari Was Really Like, According to Women Who Were There (tags: atari games history ) Predictors for infidelity and divorce Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
(tags: divorce relationships psychology ) Money only buys happiness for a certain amount (tags: happiness money ) South African lions eat poacher, leaving just his head (tags: lions Africa GoodNews ) Justice Minister: Israel must safeguard Jewish majority, even at expense of civil rights (tags: israel OhForFucksSake ) Where Have All The Loyal Employees Gone? (tags: employment work ) Meet The Dominatrix Who Requires The Men Who Hire Her To Read Black Feminist Theory (tags: bdsm race viaElfy ) Can't buy me love: Materialism in marriage linked to devaluation of marriage (tags: marriage money ) Achtung Baby: An American mum on the German art of raising self reliant children (tags: Germany usa parenting advice ) Google’s nemesis: meet the British couple who took on a giant, won... and cost it £2.1 billion (tags: viaSwampers monopoly google ) The Case for Realistic Expectations (tags: happiness psychology ) Many animals can count, some better than you (tags: animals numbers brain ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

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