Interesting Links for 02-02-2018

Feb 02, 2018 12:00

Theresa May starts another fight she will not win (over transition this time) (tags: politics UK Europe OhForFucksSake ) Free Bananas In the Break Room - a tale of email apocalypse (tags: email funny OhForFucksSake viaSwampers ) Baltimore: more than twice as lethal as Northern Ireland during the Troubles (tags: NorthernIreland usa racism OhForFucksSake ) Baltimore Cops Kept Toy Guns to Plant Just in Case They Shot an Unarmed Person (tags: usa guns police corruption OhForFucksSake ) 13% of British households are millionaires (Mostly because of pensions and housing) (tags: wealth uk pensions housing ) The government isn't planning for "No Deal" - here's how you can tell (tags: uk europe fail government Conservatives ) A interview with an Elite Dangerous player from 10 years from the future. (tags: interview thefuture games funny ) Group Of DC Fans Attempting to Sabotage 'Black Panther's Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score (tags: comics OhForFucksSake ) Scotland set to pass 'gold standard' domestic abuse law (tags: law abuse scotland ) Why PS4 downloads are so slow (tags: playstation networking OhForFucksSake ) How to Do Karate in a Victorian Dress (tags: clothing women MartialArts history ) Last Commanders: a geeky new Knightmare-esque gameshow (tags: games tv bbc uk VirtualReality ) Why American Farmers Are Hacking Their Tractors With Ukrainian Firmware (tags: farming software hacking ) A satirical list of tv shows that should exist (tags: tv funny ) Ibuprofen could harm fertility of unborn baby girls (tags: medicine fertility women babies ) Interesting look at what it's like as a professional League of Legends player (tags: games ) Use of plastic straws scrapped at Scottish Parliament (tags: recycling scotland GoodNews ) Prostate cancer now kills more people than breast cancer (tags: uk prostate cancer ) Asking the Right Questions About Artificial Intelligence (tags: ai ethics Technology thefuture ) A Dad Stole This Toddler's Identity To Open Credit Cards. Here's How The System Failed Him. (tags: fraud credit viaSwampers children ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

playstation, virtualreality, recycling, hacking, fraud, goodnews, scotland, women, law, email, thefuture, conservatives, northernireland, corruption, usa, pensions, games, babies, prostate, martialarts, farming, abuse, children, ethics, links, history, ohforfuckssake, government, interview, technology, uk, networking, bbc, europe, funny, police, guns, ai, comics, software, fail, fertility, wealth, cancer, tv, credit, racism, housing, viaswampers, politics, medicine, clothing

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