Interesting Links for 26-01-2018

Jan 26, 2018 12:00

Why Tesla's Autopilot Can't See a Stopped Firetruck (tags: automation driving ) Climate change: Sandwiches eaten in UK have same environmental impact as eight million cars (tags: globalwarming food uk ) Brexit: MPs won't have full details of EU deal when they vote on it, Philip Hammond reveals (tags: europe uk ) 'It breaks my heart that my daughter might think she only exists because terminations were forbidden' (tags: abortion children ireland ) North Korea sends rare announcement to all Koreans, calls for unification (tags: NorthKorea ) Seven in 10 UK workers are chronically broke (tags: uk economy society money ) The female price of male pleasure - "An 8 on a man's Bad Sex scale is like a 1 on a woman's." (tags: sex society pain ) Tariff Engineering (Changing your products in tiny ways to avoid taxes) (tags: tax design ) The Birds. Would like to Come In. (tags: birds ) The democratisation of AI-powered realistic fake celebrity porn (tags: ai porn celebrity ) Vulnerable industrial controls directly connected to Internet? Why not? (tags: internet infrastructure OhForFucksSake hacking ) The fascinating story of the Dutch intelligence agency spying on the Russian hackers who affected the US election (tags: hacking Russia usa netherlands spying ) Daily Mail apologises to Nicola Sturgeon over flag story (tags: DailyMail scotland flags apology ) Alt-Right and Marxists are more conflict-oriented than the political mainstream (tags: politics psychology ) Are religious people really less smart, on average, than atheists? (tags: religion Intelligence ) Senator Demands FBI Director Explain His Encryption Backdoor Bullshit (tags: encryption security Technology usa ) Why American men are getting less marriageable (tags: marriage usa work society ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

security, work, hacking, dailymail, economy, scotland, society, usa, encryption, globalwarming, marriage, russia, sex, abortion, children, northkorea, links, driving, celebrity, spying, ohforfuckssake, flags, technology, uk, automation, europe, ai, netherlands, intelligence, design, porn, pain, money, internet, birds, ireland, apology, psychology, infrastructure, food, religion, tax, politics

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