Interesting Links for 22-12-2017

Dec 22, 2017 13:00

Republican Candidate Goes Full Nazi: Jews "Pretend" to be White to Undermine the White Race (tags: racism republicans usa politics ) Dozens of Companies Are Using Facebook to Exclude Older Workers From Job Ads (tags: facebook age discrimination ) A Baby Conceived in 1992 Was Born Just Last Month (tags: reproduction babies time ) Ice tea company rebrands as “Long Blockchain” and stock price triples (HOW IS THIS NOT AN APRIL FOOL???) (tags: bitcoin computers money WTF OhForFucksSake ) Facebook ditches fake news warning flag - shows alternate views instead (tags: facebook news ) ‘Bright’ Review: Netflix’s First Blockbuster Is the Worst Movie of 2017 (tags: fantasy police movie epicfail netflix ) Creating The Next Bechdel Test (tags: women movies ) Wall Street Journal Killed Editorial on Trump’s Mob Ties (tags: crime usa politics journalism ) Catalonia election: Separatist parties keep their majority (tags: Catalonia ) Shutdown of coal-fired power plant results in healthier babies downwind (tags: coal babies health ) U.K.'s Secret Brexit Studies Reveal That Airbus Makes Planes (tags: UK Europe funny ) The Map of Non-Monogamy (tags: polyamory relationships visualisation ) Drone-Ver is the best way of versioning your software (tags: software satire packaging funny ) Breaking down the results on the Brexit polls (Old people, unqualified people, and jobless people leave, everyone else stays) (tags: uk europe polls ) Google fights fragmentation: New Android features to be forced on apps in 2018 (tags: android google ) The real reason humans evolved larger heads (tags: evolution funny comics ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
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fantasy, news, computers, google, coal, women, journalism, movies, time, usa, satire, catalonia, babies, polyamory, links, ohforfuckssake, uk, europe, bitcoin, funny, police, movie, reproduction, comics, facebook, crime, wtf, software, epicfail, packaging, visualisation, android, netflix, money, age, relationships, racism, health, discrimination, republicans, evolution, polls, politics

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