Interesting Links for 06-12-2017

Dec 06, 2017 13:00

This 11-Year-Old Has Spent Her Life in Jail, a Serial Killer as a Cellmate (tags: children mother afghanistan prison crime ) Christmas Boob Is The New Craze Sweeping Manchester (tags: christmas breasts ) “Alt-right” women are upset that “alt-right” men are treating them terribly (tags: funny racism feminism usa ) Premature baby's dads more stressed than moms after Intensive Care (tags: stress parents babies ) Exercise changes gut microbial composition independent of diet (tags: microbiome exercise ) DNA sketch leads to suspect confession in Texas slaying (tags: murder dna genetics crime faces ) Mariah Carey - Security Guard Claims Sexual Harassment, Says She Also Called Him Nazi, Skinhead (tags: harassment abuse celebrity ) EU blacklist names 17 tax havens and puts Caymans and Jersey on notice (tags: tax europe ) FactCheck: are black cabs safer than Ubers? (tags: transport taxi safety London assault ) Scotland boasts lowest levels of poverty in the UK (tags: Scotland poverty ) The generalization of AlphaGo Zero, called AlphaZero, achieves superhuman performance in all of Chess, Shogi, and Go. Starting from random play, and given no domain knowledge. (tags: games ai ) What if consciousness is not what drives the human mind? (tags: consciousness ) Pro-Remain Tories Think The Irish Border Question Might Just Have Changed The Terms Of Brexit (tags: UK Europe conservatives ) David Davis admits UK Government has not done Brexit impact assessments for different economic sectors (tags: UK europe conservatives OhForFucksSake ) Voters in DUP heartland back its stance on Irish border agreement (tags: Europe UK Ireland NorthernIreland DUP ) For teen boys at risk of psychopathy, laughter isn’t catching (tags: teenagers boys psychopath men ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

prison, harassment, stress, faces, genetics, mother, scotland, assault, afghanistan, conservatives, christmas, microbiome, northernireland, exercise, feminism, usa, safety, london, games, babies, transport, boys, taxi, breasts, abuse, children, links, celebrity, ohforfuckssake, men, uk, parents, dna, europe, funny, ai, consciousness, crime, murder, dup, psychopath, ireland, racism, poverty, tax, teenagers

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