Interesting Links for 03-12-2017

Dec 03, 2017 12:00

These are the most popular baby names right now (tags: names satire babies funny ) The Amazon HQ search is, frankly, an attack on democracy (tags: amazon usa democracy OhForFucksSake ) Sexual Assault Apology Mad-Libs! (tags: assault abuse apology comic funny ) Alphabet of the obsolete (tags: obsolescence funnny ) Marvel's New Editor-in-Chief Just Admitted That He Used a Pseudonym Years Ago to Pretend to Be Japanese (tags: japan marvel comics ) Star Wars: The Last Jedi | Behind The Scenes Training Featurette (Looks amazing. So excited!) (tags: StarWars video ) Justice League Action - the one where Mark Hammil has slept with the entire cast (tags: dc animation comics video funny ) Why Kinkshaming Ruins Christmas (tags: abuse fetish sex kink society ) A Last Airbender writer and Uncharted director are building a new game and show (tags: airbender tv games ) Why Hollywood's Abandonment Of Terry Crews Is Unacceptable (tags: tv abuse hollywood OhForFucksSake race gender ) Vader's final scene in Rogue One, but with Gimme More by Britney Spears. (I cannot explain why this made me giggle) (tags: video StarWars BritneySpears ) The rare book library at Yale University is an incredible piece of architecture (with no windows). (tags: architecture library ) Former police chief condemns retired officers who leaked Damian Green computer pornography allegations (tags: police privacy politics ) Woman With Transplanted Uterus Gives Birth, the First in the U.S. (tags: birth organs pregnancy ) Egyptian lawyer jailed for saying women in ripped jeans should be raped (tags: egypt rape crime ) UK government's entire social mobility team quit citing lack of political leadership No, I didn't know they had a social mobility team either!
(tags: inequality uk society politics OhForFucksSake ) Batman Ninja looks like the kind of ridiculous fun I want out of Batman (tags: batman japan anime video trailer ninjas ) 40,000 children trapped in ‘zombie’ academy schools (tags: school UK OhForFucksSake ) Cute! Pictures! Of! Bats! (tags: bats cute ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

ninjas, marvel, anime, rape, pregnancy, society, assault, funnny, inequality, usa, satire, trailer, games, babies, organs, sex, comic, batman, abuse, architecture, obsolescence, democracy, links, birth, ohforfuckssake, school, cute, airbender, uk, hollywood, funny, police, starwars, comics, crime, video, dc, japan, kink, race, tv, fetish, egypt, gender, apology, library, britneyspears, animation, names, privacy, amazon, politics, bats

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