Interesting Links for 30-11-2017

Nov 30, 2017 12:00

"It’s a Dead Issue”: Fantastic Beasts Director Defends Johnny Depp (tags: abuse johnnydepp movies harrypotter jkrowling ) Belief in our moral superiority is the most irrational self-enhancing bias of all (tags: bias morality psychology ) Here's the thing about "just joking." (tags: humour society psychology racism ) White men facing money trouble tend to cling to guns for power, identity (tags: guns usa psychology identity ) Brexit bill: Will we ever know a precise figure? (tags: UK europe money ) Trailer for Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War (tags: Trailer marvel movies ) London suburbs set for housing boom as Sadiq Khan relaxes rules (tags: Labour London housing GoodNews ) Stress during pregnancy affects the size of the baby (tags: babies stress ) Low vitamin D levels at birth linked to higher autism risk (tags: autism vitaminD ) Why you’re more likely to remember something if you read it to yourself out loud (tags: reading memory sound ) Mulan: Disney casts Chinese actress Liu Yifei in lead role (tags: Disney china ) One-third of UK dieters have used slimming pills bought online - many of them dangerous (tags: diet drugs safety uk web ) First electric train runs full Edinburgh-Glasgow line (tags: Scotland trains transport ) Terrorists 'certain' to get killer robots, says defence giant (tags: robots automation weaponry military thefuture ) 'Evil racist': how the UK reacted to Trump's Theresa May Twitter attack (tags: twitter politics racism usa uk ) As Meghan Markle Chooses To Become A British Citizen I Just Wait For My Wife To Be Able To Come Home (tags: immigration UK OhForFucksSake ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

stress, marvel, autism, trains, immigration, web, goodnews, scotland, society, vitamind, twitter, thefuture, movies, usa, safety, london, trailer, memory, babies, identity, transport, johnnydepp, military, bias, abuse, links, drugs, ohforfuckssake, sound, uk, automation, europe, guns, diet, labour, harrypotter, reading, money, jkrowling, robots, racism, disney, psychology, housing, morality, china, humour, politics, weaponry

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