Interesting Links for 20-11-2017

Nov 20, 2017 12:05

But when is International Women's Day? (tags: men mentalhealth health society ) How childhood gender-stereotyping damages boys (tags: children boys stereotypes toys society men OhForFucksSake ) Fact checking the "half of all trans prisoners are sex offenders" reporting (tags: transgender media OhForFucksSake ) Morrissey Defends Kevin Spacey And Harvey Weinstein, Saying Victims Should’ve Known What Could Happen (tags: abuse OhForFucksSake ) Morrissey was never in The Smiths, say fans (tags: funny music bigotry uk satire viaSwampers ) The UK government doesn't understand The Good Friday Agreement (tags: uk Ireland NorthernIreland OhForFucksSake ) Why decentralised social networks aren't catching on (tags: decentralisation socialnetworking ) I found the best post on Tumblr! (tags: squirrel funny comic ) How George Washington tried to get back his escaped slave (tags: usa history slavery ) As Women Take Over a Male-Dominated Field, the Pay Drops (tags: money pay gender patriarchy ) A message from the Chair of LGBT+ Liberal Democrats (tags: lgbt libdem ) Why Wikipedia cannot claim the earth is not flat (tags: Wikipedia knowledge ) A quarter of people actively feel pain when they see others in pain I do get a sense of nausea when I see some kind of injuries being inflicted on people. Fascinating how different people's reactions can be.
(tags: pain psychology ) Were there camels in Roman Britain? (tags: rome camels history uk ) FactCheck: how many bankers were jailed for their part in the financial crisis? (tags: banking crime uk usa ) Meet The Spreadsheet That Can Solve NYC Transit (and the Man Who Made It) (tags: transport newyork spreadsheet viaSwampers usa ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

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