Interesting Links for 13-11-2017

Nov 13, 2017 12:00

Thousands of Poles march against Jews, Muslims, and "unclean blood" (tags: racism Poland nazis OhForFucksSake ) It only takes three stories from small news outlets to make Twitter discussions of a topic go up by 62.7 percent, and shift public opinion by 2.3% (tags: twitter media ) A A Milne versus A A Milne on pacifism and just war (tags: war history ) The Population Myth (tags: population viamorag ) George Miller sues Warner Bros over Mad Max: Fury Road earnings (tags: viaSwampers movies australia law OhForFucksSake ) The Amazons’ armour in Justice League is a big step back from Wonder Woman (tags: design women armour WonderWoman OhForFucksSake ) You need five months solid sleep for peak performance, say bears (tags: bears sleep satire funny ) Roy Moore's alleged pursuit of a young girl is the symptom of a larger problem in evangelical circles (tags: religion children sex girls abuse usa ) Free Money: The Surprising Effects of a Basic Income Supplied by a Tribal Government (tags: usa GuaranteedIncome ) Self-Driving Trucks Are Now Running Between Texas and California (tags: delivery driving automation usa ) First CO2 rise in four years puts pressure on Paris targets (tags: co2 globalwarming ) An IQ over 128 makes you a worse leader (tags: Intelligence leadership ) ‘Homes for human beings’: Millennial-driven anti-NIMBY movement is winning with a simple message (tags: housing usa ) Take it from the Swiss: the Brexit referendum wasn’t legitimate (tags: Switzerland referendum europe uk viaSwampers ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

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