Interesting Links for 11-11-2017

Nov 11, 2017 12:00

The UK spends more of their money on childcare than any other OECD country (tags: uk children money OhForFucksSake ) The iPhone X Is A User Experience Nightmare (tags: apple iphone ux fail ) It is the Time of Trump. Europe needs to step up (tags: Europe usa politics ) The real lesson of that self-driving shuttle’s first-day accident (tags: driving accident automation ) How can liberalism be to blame for everything when we can't even agree what it is? (tags: liberal language politics society ) Reacting to the Louis C.K. Revelations (tags: abuse comedy ) Mexico baby death trial reveals growing persecution of women who miscarry (tags: Mexico women pregnancy OhForFucksSake wtf ) Men, get ready to be uncomfortable for a while. While forgiveness may come one day, it won’t be soon. (tags: abuse women men society thefuture forgiveness viaErindubitably ViaDrCross ) The naked truth about Facebook’s revenge porn tool (tags: Facebook nudity Technology ) At DC Comics, An Editor Rose Through The Ranks Even After Being Accused Of Sexual Harassment (tags: harassment abuse comics dc ) CBS Diversity Showcase Is a Racist Mess, Participants Say (tags: racism comedy ) EU citizens worth £4.42bn to Scotland (not that the money is the point) (tags: Europe immigration money ) Two marine scientists are now playing each other, on Twitter, in an ocean-themed game of chess.Scientifically-accurate kill scenes are required (tags: chess games ocean twitter ) Senior Saudi figures tortured and beaten in purge (tags: saudiarabia ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

harassment, nudity, immigration, language, pregnancy, society, women, twitter, thefuture, chess, usa, games, forgiveness, abuse, children, ocean, links, driving, ohforfuckssake, men, technology, viaerindubitably, uk, automation, europe, comedy, apple, comics, facebook, wtf, dc, saudiarabia, accident, fail, money, ux, iphone, racism, liberal, mexico, politics, viadrcross

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