Interesting Links for 06-11-2017

Nov 06, 2017 12:00

Why does Neil Kinnock get away with comments about abuse that Gove doesn't? (tags: politics abuse media uk ) A fact-check of "Goodbye, Christopher Robin" finds it...problematic at best (tags: facts history writing children movies ) After 42 years of sex discrimination laws, why force schoolgirls to wear skirts? (tags: clothing girls school ) Bullshit excuses for sexual harassment: the autism edition (tags: harrassment abuse autism ) David Mitchell on Earthsea - a rival to Tolkien and George RR Martin (tags: fantasy fiction writing ) Craniopagus Twins Share a Brain and See Out of Each Others Eyes (tags: twins brain ) There are rumours that the Tolkien Estate are shopping a Lord Of The Rings TV series (tags: lotr tv ) "How I guesstimated the value of Bitcoin in 2014" (tags: bitcoin currency economics ) How Men Elevate, and Women Ruin, the Foods They Love (tags: food gender OhForFucksSake ) Trump commerce secretary's business links with Putin family laid out in leaked files (tags: Russia usa politics ) Helicopter carrying officials (and a prince) crashes in Saudi Arabia (tags: saudiarabia ) Paradise Papers leak reveals secrets of the world elite's hidden wealth (tags: wealth tax ) Some advice on how to cope with grief (tags: death emotion advice ) Why do Conservatives have a hard time understanding Liberal arguments on a lot of issues? (tags: politics society ) The poppy has lost its original meaning - time to ditch it (tags: memory war uk ) Round-up of Saudi princes, businessmen widens, travel curbs imposed (tags: saudiarabia ) Psycho-Conservatism: What it Is, When to Doubt It (tags: psychology Conservatives politics ) Star Wars, Hamilton, Frozen and Guardians of the Galaxy actors played an all-star version of Werewolf together (tags: games actors ) Theresa May's record on sexual abuse is appalling (tags: abuse Conservatives ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

autism, fantasy, death, society, brain, conservatives, movies, economics, usa, fiction, advice, lotr, russia, memory, games, emotion, abuse, children, links, history, ohforfuckssake, school, twins, currency, uk, media, bitcoin, saudiarabia, wealth, actors, tv, gender, writing, psychology, tax, food, war, harrassment, politics, clothing, girls, facts

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