Interesting Links for 02-11-2017

Nov 02, 2017 12:00

Kevin Spacey: More allegations of sexual harassment surface (tags: hollywood abuse ) This AR Headset Won't Replace My Monitor, But It's a Promising Start (tags: augmentedreality office thefuture ) Sinn Fein blames DUP deal with Tories as Northern Ireland power-sharing talks collapse (tags: NorthernIreland politics fail ) Nigel Farage: 'Jewish lobby' has disproportionate power in the US (tags: Jews usa UKIP OhForFucksSake ) Wings Over Scotland blogger cleared over online harassment claims (tags: Scotland harassment ) There was no "veil between the worlds" until Victorian times (tags: history myths ) Free ATMs could be cut back in cash machine shake-up (tags: money technology banking uk ) TripAdvisor removed rape and injury warnings at Mexico resorts, tourists say (tags: reviews rape fraud OhForFucksSake mexico ) MPs vote for Theresa May to release 58 secret studies into Brexit's economic damage (tags: uk europe politics ) Disney makes a bigger ask of theaters than ever before with The Last Jedi (tags: StarWars Disney movies money ) Bacterial fats, not dietary ones, may deserve the blame for heart disease: Research could explain why gum disease is associated with atherosclerosis (tags: microbiome bacteria fat disease heart ) Almost half of those who resolve a drinking or drug problem do so without assistance (tags: alcohol addiction drugs ) Some natural environments are better for you than others (tags: nature mentalhealth ) Could Twitter take a page from Something Awful? (tags: forum communication discussion internet ) Disney releases the cast for Lion King 2019 (tags: Disney lions lionking ) The robot lawyers are here - and they’re winning (tags: robots law ) Poppy Z Brite LOST SOULS Original Manuscript w/Handwritten Notes, Extra Material (on eBay) (tags: books writing horror ) Every successful relationship is successful for the same reasons (tags: relationships advice ) Racial achievement gap fell by 50% in schools where teachers felt supported and capable (tags: Education race school ) Proportional Representation has its day in Parliament (tags: voting UK proportional_representation ) My brother Mike has made an iPhone game! That you can use to make your own games! (tags: games iphone viaMyBrotherMike video ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

proportional_representation, harassment, forum, bacteria, education, horror, fraud, rape, scotland, discussion, law, thefuture, movies, microbiome, heart, lions, northernireland, usa, advice, disease, games, jews, books, office, fat, augmentedreality, reviews, abuse, links, drugs, history, ohforfuckssake, school, technology, uk, voting, nature, europe, hollywood, starwars, communication, lionking, video, fail, mentalhealth, myths, banking, race, money, internet, relationships, robots, disney, iphone, writing, ukip, addiction, mexico, viamybrothermike, politics, alcohol

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