Interesting Links for 22-10-2017

Oct 23, 2017 10:30

Balloons providing emergency internet in Puerto Rico (tags: balloon internet ) Google and the Resurgence of Italian Design (tags: Italy design google ) Will Facebook and Google be able to access your bank data? (tags: privacy banking UK europe ) Vikings Razed the Forests. Can Iceland Regrow Them? (tags: iceland forests trees ) More information on the recent dyslexia/eye research (tags: dyslexia eyes ) Burger King Reveals the Uncomfortable Truth About Bullying in a Remarkable In-Store Stunt (tags: food bullying video advertising ) Microsoft has found a way to double the HoloLens Field of View (tags: augmentedreality microsoft ) If Game Of Thrones was an anime this would be its opening credits (tags: anime gameofthrones ) Basque leader supports Catalonia (tags: Spain Catalonia ) The secret Swiss mountain bunker where millionaires stash their bitcoins Frankly, pretty silly. Any attack will be network-based, or social.
(tags: bitcoin security_theatre security ) The difference between an unwanted pass & sexual harassment (tags: harrassment relationships gender society power ) Literally Just GIFs Of Women Destroying Shit (tags: women anger animated_gif ) "Dave The Period Fairy" Has Become A Viral Sensation After A Woman Shared A Nightmare Hiking Experience On Reddit (tags: menstruation awesome ) The Case of the Small Shoes -a.k.a. Survival Bias (No, people were not "just smaller then.") (tags: history size ) Franco’s fascism is alive and kicking in Spain (tags: Spain fascism Catalonia police independence ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

microsoft, anime, security, independence, google, size, fascism, advertising, society, women, balloon, trees, security_theatre, catalonia, awesome, augmentedreality, forests, links, history, menstruation, uk, europe, police, anger, bitcoin, animated_gif, eyes, video, italy, spain, design, banking, internet, relationships, iceland, gameofthrones, gender, bullying, power, food, privacy, harrassment, dyslexia

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