Interesting Links for 13-10-2017

Oct 13, 2017 12:00

EU tells Britain it will make no concessions to break 'disturbing deadlock' in Brexit negotiations (tags: uk europe ) Predicting the next five years of Virtual Reality technology (tags: VirtualReality Technology thefuture ) New York Is Throwing Money at Film Shoots, But Who Benefits? (tags: movies newyork money ) Harvey Weinstein: Did everyone really know? (tags: abuse hollywood movies media ) Horseshoe bus seats introduced to encourage passengers to talk to each other (tags: OhForFucksSake transport social ) Every warning sign has a story. (tags: sign ) Las Vegas Is Only the Deadliest Shooting in US History Because Black Lives Aren’t Counted (tags: usa violence death racism ) Finally! The real explanation for why cats behave the way they do (tags: cats funny viaJennieRigg ) Why I’m not surprised when I hear that powerful men are fucking creeps (tags: abuse rape work ) The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy to return in 2018 (tags: HHG2G radio ) Fighting racism: Teaching kids to identify individual black people can reduce racial bias (tags: racism psychology ) TerrariaClone - An incomprehensible hellscape of spaghetti code For the intro text, explaining how it came to be.
(tags: programming fail ) Eating magic mushrooms can treat depression (tags: psychedelics depression psychology ) Food poverty in the UK is, frankly, disgusting (tags: food poverty inequality uk ) DNA, tribal identity, and a new history of the old New World (tags: usa history genetics race ) Birmingham Islamic faith school guilty of sex discrimination for segregating children (tags: islam school discrimination gender children ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

virtualreality, work, rape, islam, genetics, programming, death, viajennierigg, thefuture, movies, inequality, usa, psychedelics, transport, radio, sign, abuse, children, links, history, ohforfuckssake, school, hhg2g, technology, uk, media, europe, hollywood, funny, fail, race, money, depression, social, gender, racism, poverty, discrimination, psychology, food, violence, newyork, cats

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