Interesting Links for 29-09-2017

Sep 29, 2017 12:00

The Coming Software Apocalypse I'm not completely sold by this. There are areas where it definitely makes sense, but I'm not sure how it would fit into a lot of the work I see. But I'm prepared to be convinced.
(tags: software design complexity ) China to shut down North Korean companies (tags: china NorthKorea ) Edinburgh set for first all-electric buses (tags: Edinburgh buses transport electricity ) What happened to the improved UK plug? (tags: uk design electricity ) If you have any interest in Robert Heinlein then you should take a look at this new book on his work (tags: scifi heinlein ) Brexit: European Parliament to propose Northern Ireland stays in single market (tags: europe UK NorthernIreland ) In people with OCD, actions are at odds with beliefs (tags: belief behaviour psychology ) Self-esteem in kids: Lavish praise is not the answer, warmth is (tags: children parenting ) Floating Point Visually Explained (tags: numbers mathematics programming computers ) Amazon developing three new sci-fi series: Lazarus, Snow Crash and Ringworld (tags: Amazon scifi tv ) Does Adding Expensive Housing Help the Little Guy? (tags: housing economics ) A large chunk of British "exports" are actually people selling gold from London vaults And because this mostly leaves the EU it distorts our trade balances
(tags: uk gold Europe ) EU justice commissioner resists calls for legislation on online hate speech (tags: freespeech europe hate ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

gold, heinlein, hate, behaviour, computers, uk, complexity, europe, programming, freespeech, software, belief, design, northernireland, economics, parenting, tv, electricity, edinburgh, buses, psychology, transport, housing, china, amazon, numbers, mathematics, children, scifi, northkorea, links

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