Interesting Links for 24-09-2017

Sep 24, 2017 12:00

Another delay for ScotRail's £370m Edinburgh to Glasgow electric train service plans (tags: Edinburgh Glasgow trains electricity fail ) Superaccurate GPS Chips Coming to Smartphones in 2018 (tags: GPS location phones viaFanf ) Clever Machines Learn How to Be Curious (And Play Super Mario Bros.) (tags: games ai personality learning ) A Ukrainian born billionaire who does biz w/ Russian oligarchs is funding Trump's legal representation via RNC (tags: politics Russia usa EpicWTF ) Bringing the web up to speed with WebAssembly (tags: web programming thefuture ) I'm ggoing to Thing Explaining with Randall Munroe Tickets on Wed, 4 Oct - anyone else going? (tags: xkcd viaSwampers ) A 1979 War-Game That Takes 1,500 Hours to Complete (tags: games time history wwii ) Why rejecting the modern world is a privileged fantasy (tags: Technology medicine life society ) Watch how long a two-euro coin can balance on Fuxing train traveling at 350 kph, on #HighSpeedRail linking Beijing with Shanghai So, how long until we get trains that fast and smooth in the UK?
(tags: trains ) More than half UK population has no religion (tags: UK religion GoodNews ) Rick And Morty’s worst fans don’t deserve Rick And Morty It really bothers me that most of the t-shirts I've seen are clearly aimed at people who want to be Rick.
(tags: tv fandom fail abuse ) Sea salt around the world is contaminated by plastic Because, of course, the sea around the world is contaminated by plastic
(tags: pollution plastic ocean food salt ) I have done without any form of technology for six months and my life is utterly shit (tags: satire technology media ) Students are biased against female lecturers (tags: patriarchy women academia OhForFucksSake ) Project Black Bus - using taxis like buses (tags: technology transport taxi ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

viafanf, trains, web, programming, goodnews, glasgow, patriarchy, society, women, phones, fandom, thefuture, life, pollution, time, usa, location, satire, academia, personality, russia, games, edinburgh, transport, taxi, abuse, ocean, links, epicwtf, history, ohforfuckssake, plastic, technology, uk, media, ai, #highspeedrail, salt, fail, xkcd, tv, learning, electricity, gps, wwii, food, religion, viaswampers, medicine, politics

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