Interesting Links for 16-09-2017

Sep 16, 2017 12:00

Why has Donald Trump's behaviour changed? tl;dr his media handlers have changed to people who aren't as horrific racists as before.
(tags: politics USA ) Swedish politician Patrik Liljeglod raped for his beliefs (tags: rape politics sweden OhForFucksSake ) Labour MSPs calling for 'groundwork' on SNP-Labour deal It would be nice to see them cooperating against the Conservatives
(tags: politics scotland snp labour ) Better-off areas asked to build up to 40% more homes Which I'm generally in favour of. If that's where people are living then that's where we should be building homes.
(tags: housing uk ) Extreme Parenting For The One Percent (tags: parenting autism children transparentsociety ) Put your multiple personalities in Firefox Multi-Account Containers (tags: firefox ) Build, gather, brawl, repeat: The history of real-time strategy games (tags: games history rts ) New Poll Finds Majority Oppose White Supremacists-Even While Sharing White Supremacist Views (tags: USA poll racism ) Writing off student debt cheaper than claimed, says IFS (tags: student debt uk ) Public opinion in the UK is changing on immigration (tags: immigration UK polls ) Divinity: Original Sin 2 verdict - face-robbing, limb-chomping, heart-breaking Adored the first one. Really must make time for this.
(tags: games review ) Christians in U.S. Military ‘Serve Satan’ If They Tolerate Other Religions, Air Force Chaplain Says (tags: religion usa military OhForFucksSake ) America's Unregulated Sex Toy Problem (tags: usa sextoys safety ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

sextoys, history, ohforfuckssake, autism, rape, uk, transparentsociety, immigration, firefox, rts, scotland, poll, labour, sweden, usa, snp, safety, parenting, games, racism, debt, housing, religion, military, polls, politics, student, review, children, links

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