Interesting Links for 14-09-2017

Sep 14, 2017 12:00

Why Are The Lib Dem Leadership So Keen on Brexit? (tags: libdem europe OhForFucksSake ) Let’s Debate Female Viking Warriors Yet Again (tags: Viking history archaeology women ) 23andMe Is Digging Through Your Data for a Parkinson's Cure (tags: disease genetics ) Atheists are nicer to Christians compared to the other way around if their religious identity is known (tags: religion atheism ) Jewish opposition to Israeli policies (tags: israel Jews ) Tipping Point Leadership (tags: leadership viaSwampers ) What's going on with all the directors on the Star Wars films? (tags: StarWars movies ) Mother! - Movie Review (Oh very dear) (spoilers) (tags: review movies ) 6 Reasons Good People Turn Into Monsters (tags: morality groups psychology evil ) I clearly _really_ need to watch Robocop again (tags: movies robots police awesome ) This timeline of the various versions of the Church of Scotland is impressive (tags: Scotland religion visualisation ) When Roald Dahl's Editor Decided He Was Too Much of a Prick To Publish (tags: writing publishing viaFJM ) Government spends four times more subsidising private housing than building affordable homes (tags: housing uk OhForFucksSake ) Game of Thrones to shoot multiple endings of final season to stop story leaks (tags: gameofthrones ) Autistic boys and girls found to have hypermasculinised faces (tags: faces testosterone autism ) Autonomous Robots Plant, Tend, and Harvest Entire Crop of Barley (tags: farming robots automation ) Face ID, Touch ID, No ID, PINs and Pragmatic Security (tags: security faces ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

autism, viking, security, faces, genetics, scotland, women, leadership, movies, disease, awesome, groups, jews, archaeology, israel, farming, evil, publishing, links, history, ohforfuckssake, uk, testosterone, automation, europe, police, starwars, visualisation, atheism, gameofthrones, viafjm, robots, writing, psychology, religion, morality, housing, viaswampers, review, libdem

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