Interesting Links for 01-09-2017

Sep 01, 2017 12:00

Florida power company exchanging nuclear plans for solar plans, cutting rates (tags: usa solarpower nuclearpower ) Hot New ‘Anonymous’ Chat App Sarahah Hijacks Millions of Contact Data (tags: privacy identity data ) Experimentally Reducing Racist Harassment (Being told off by high-status white males makes racists stop) (tags: racism twitter psychology ) How Programming Languages Differ Between Wealthy and Developing Countries (tags: demographics programming language viaSwampers money ) How vanishing debt costs helped the UK forget about a never-ending deficit a) We should be investing _heavily_ in better infrastructure right now. Heck, we should have been for a few years, considering how cheaply we can borrow. b) Look at how worried people are about the stock market lining up for a crash. I wonder if a big-enough one could cause us to abort Brexit.
(tags: uk economics viaSwampers ) Lenovo’s first augmented reality glasses are a Star Wars exclusive (tags: StarWars augmentedreality ) Possibly the oddest spam I've ever had (tags: illuminati spam weird ) 50% of men and 40% of women are unable to identify the vagina on a diagram I'd like to see the diagram myself, to be honest.
(tags: vagina Education health OhForFucksSake ) The problem with how men perceive rape (and consent in general) (tags: consent rape sex society patriarchy viaJane ) Tory peer says Brexit is good because young people will be able to work longer hours (tags: UK europe working_hours OhForFucksSake Conservatives ) The story of the Jewish codebreakers who helped win WWII (tags: wwii encryption history Jews ) How should white people feel about privilege (tags: privilege race society viaTheFerrett ) Tanzania becomes the latest country to use drones for medical deliveries (tags: drone healthcare ) Here's the first recorded instance of the F-word in English (tags: language history swearing ) Learned kinkiness - or how they trained rats to love lingerie (tags: rats clothing sex psychology ) You can be your own therapist - if you’re up to the job (tags: psychology mentalhealth ) The new 7,541-piece Lego Millennium Falcon is the biggest and most expensive set ever (tags: lego StarWars ) Scottish tidal power station breaks world record for electricity generation (tags: water power scotland ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

education, rape, language, demographics, programming, patriarchy, scotland, society, twitter, conservatives, privilege, lego, economics, usa, viajane, working_hours, encryption, viatheferrett, drone, vagina, jews, sex, identity, weird, augmentedreality, water, swearing, links, history, healthcare, ohforfuckssake, illuminati, consent, uk, nuclearpower, europe, starwars, data, spam, solarpower, mentalhealth, race, money, rats, racism, health, psychology, power, wwii, privacy, viaswampers, clothing

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