Interesting Links for 25-08-2017

Aug 25, 2017 12:00

Britain says it should still be able to influence EU regulations after leaving EU (tags: data Europe regulation uk ) ONS overestimated that 90,000 international students per year were overstaying. Actual figure is 4,600 (tags: immigration fail students Education OhForFucksSake ) Samsung TV owners furious after software update leaves sets unusable (tags: software tv OhForFucksSake samsung ) Caffeine makes food and drink seem less sweet (tags: Caffeine food sugar ) Grenfell proved it: the British media are part of a disconnected elite (tags: diversity media uk ) What It Takes to Hold Your Breath for 24 Minutes (tags: air bodies impressive ) The Best Way To End Poverty (tags: poverty economics GuaranteedIncome ) 6 Inventions Making British Disabled People's Lives Better In 2017 (tags: technology disabilities ) Self-driving lorries to be tested on UK roads in the next year (tags: technology transport automation uk ) Chemicals used in furniture and gym mats could be making women infertile (tags: fertility chemistry ) Here at the End of All Things : on losing oneself in in maps of fantasy worlds (tags: fantasy maps viaFanf ) Half-Life Writer Shares Episode 3 Details (tags: games ) British man's heavily-pregnant Chinese wife denied visa (tags: marriage immigration OhForFucksSake ) The Scotsmen Who Invented Modernity (tags: scotland history philosophy economics ) Fishing Planet has the most epic trailer music ever - for a game where you mostly stand still next to a river (tags: music fish viaSwampers trailer video ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

viafanf, philosophy, music, fantasy, education, immigration, air, scotland, samsung, economics, marriage, bodies, trailer, games, sugar, transport, diversity, links, history, ohforfuckssake, technology, uk, chemistry, media, automation, europe, impressive, data, guaranteedincome, software, video, students, fail, fertility, caffeine, tv, maps, poverty, fish, food, viaswampers, regulation, disabilities

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