Interesting Links for 17-08-2017

Aug 17, 2017 12:00

A Breakthrough In Solid-State Batteries (still two years away though, so not holding my breath) (tags: batteries ) Those Brexit Negotiations - abridged (tags: uk europe ) Edinburgh Gothic (the most accurate description of living here during the festival) (tags: Edinburgh festival satire ) The Best Way to Test Students? Make Them Explain It On Video (tags: videos Education testing ) Weight-gain receptor linked to antipsychotic drugs (tags: drugs weight mentalhealth ) Lothian Buses announce diversions for the Leith Street Closure Actually works out well for me.
(tags: Edinburgh transport buses ) What Is the Alt-Left? For Starters, Not a Thing (tags: politics language ) London Pride report questions organisers approach on diversity (tags: lgbt diversity ) This is the disruption caused by a drone flying near to Gatwick (tags: drone airplanes video ) The origin of complex life on Earth just got a little less mysterious (tags: life ) N.K. Jemisin's Hugo-Winning The Fifth Season Is Being Adapted for TV (tags: tv scifi nkjemisin ) Steve Bannon brands far right 'losers' and contradicts Trump in surprise interview (tags: politics usa ) What mistakes in your experience does management keep making? (tags: management ) More than 200 jurors were excused from Martin Shrekli's trial. Because they hate him. I honestly thought this was satire when I first read it.
(tags: funny law usa ) Woman Banned from US After Border Agent Finds Proof of Drug Use on Phone Have I mentioned how I've lost all interest in visiting the USA?
(tags: usa security OhForFucksSake drugs ) Peanut allergy cured in majority of children in immunotherapy trial (tags: allergies GoodNews ) If the media covered the US riots the same way it covers them in other countries Actually, 80% of this article _is_ the way that other countries cover the USA. Other than the obviously satirical bits this could have been an article in The Independent
(tags: media journalism satire usa ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

security, education, language, videos, goodnews, law, journalism, life, batteries, usa, drone, satire, edinburgh, weight, transport, festival, diversity, links, drugs, airplanes, ohforfuckssake, uk, media, europe, funny, video, management, testing, mentalhealth, tv, buses, nkjemisin, lgbt, politics, scifi, allergies

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