Interesting Links for 28-07-2017

Jul 28, 2017 12:00

Perfectionism as a risk factor for suicide (tags: perfectionism suicide psychology ) The Twitter Joke Trial, as remembered by one of the lawyers (tags: law freespeech twitter uk ) Why IBM has special permission to use software for evil (tags: evil ibm software funny video ) European commission to crack down on offshore tax avoidance (tags: tax europe ) How to Make a Clichéd High Fantasy Cover (tags: fantasy funny art viaJamesNicoll ) The theocratic democracies of Iran and the UK (tags: religion politics uk iran ) On The 50th Anniversary Of The Sexual Offences Act 1967, Look How Far We've Come (tags: lgbt history ) Capitol Police Forced Journos to Delete Footage of AHCA Protesters. (tags: police freespeech journalism usa ) Genetic evidence suggests the Canaanites weren’t destroyed after all (tags: history middle_east ) Scotland receive £4,000 fine from Fifa for booing God Save the Queen (tags: Scotland UK politics royalty ) Please Don't Say Just Hello In Chat (tags: advice chat im viaSwampers ) Religious people believe because emotional resonance overrides logic Which doesn't surprise me. Most people at least start off believing things because they lead to a conclusion that they like. Starting at axioms and working your way forward to whatever they lead to is distinctly uncomfortable at times
(tags: belief logic religion psychology ) 'Eureka' moment pinpointed in the brain (tags: brain learning psychology ) Regret improves children's decision-making I've had a few. And sometimes they've helped me avoid doing the stupid thing again.
(tags: psychology learning behaviour ) Ketamine for depression encouraging, but questions remain around long-term use (tags: depression psychology ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

art, behaviour, fantasy, ibm, scotland, freespeech, law, perfectionism, twitter, brain, journalism, middle_east, usa, advice, iran, im, evil, links, history, uk, europe, funny, police, video, software, belief, depression, logic, learning, viajamesnicoll, psychology, royalty, chat, religion, tax, lgbt, viaswampers, suicide, politics

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