Interesting Links for 20-07-2017

Jul 20, 2017 12:00

Which Anonymous Sources Are Worth Paying Attention To? (tags: politics reporting media advice ) A neat video showing how Google Glass helps people with manual/technical work (tags: work glass google Technology ) Another cool video, talking to people who use Google Glass for their jobs (wire assemblies for planes) (tags: google glass Technology work airplanes ) Producing animated "art" faces based on real video and example art (tags: art video faces ) Arguing against xkcd on free speech (tags: freespeech xkcd comics ) Reducing lead levels in children reduces violent crime by a staggering amount (tags: lead crime behaviour ) Analyzing the Gender Representation of 34,476 Comic Book Characters (tags: gender comics analysis visualisation ) What Happens To Pornhub During Game Of Thrones (tags: gameofthrones porn statistics visualisation ) State pension age increase brought forward (I'll be working an extra year) (tags: pensions uk viaSwampers ) Lost Time - on Proust and Science Fiction (tags: time scifi writing ) A common underlying genetic basis for social behavior in dogs and humans (tags: dogs humans genetics socialisation personality ) Cop’s body cam films him planting drugs-he obviously didn’t know it was recording (tags: transparentsociety police cameras ) Sea cave preserves 5,000-year snapshot of tsunamis (tags: sea cave tsunami earthquake history ) How Devastating was the Black Death? (tags: history death disease ) Guillermo del Toro's "The Shape of Water" looks beautiful (tags: movies GuillermoDelToro trailer video ) "Gef! The Strange Tale of an Extra Special Talking Mongoose" I can only conclude that many people are _so_ desperate to believe things that they will do so no matter what. This is not, of course, a new observation.
(tags: magic belief history weird ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

art, socialisation, behaviour, magic, work, google, transparentsociety, faces, genetics, death, statistics, freespeech, movies, time, advice, humans, disease, trailer, personality, pensions, tsunami, guillermodeltoro, weird, glass, links, airplanes, history, technology, uk, media, cameras, police, comics, crime, reporting, video, visualisation, belief, cave, porn, dogs, xkcd, lead, gameofthrones, gender, writing, sea, earthquake, analysis, viaswampers, politics, scifi

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