Interesting Links for 05-07-2017

Jul 05, 2017 12:00

Photobucket Just Broke Billions of Photos Across the Web I have no issue with them charging money for external hosting. But £300, on no notice, feels a tad mafia-like. Amazon charges less than 10cents per GB for bandwidth. Photobucket will make a killing (if they can persuade anyone to sign up).
(tags: photos web fail money business ) Space Isn’t What You Think It Is (tags: space physics ) How the ancient Romans made world’s ‘most durable’ concrete. (tags: materials rome history ) Menstruation doesn't change working memory, cognitive bias or ability to pay attention to two things at once. (tags: menstruation thought memory Intelligence bias women ) Minister: Immigration detainees 'benefit from £1-an-hour work' (tags: money immigration OhForFucksSake uk ) Scotland's NHS is to offer free abortions to women from Northern Ireland (tags: scotland nhs NorthernIreland ) Volvo becomes the first major car manufacturer to go all electric (tags: cars electricity ) Saudi Arabia is chief foreign promoter of Islamist extremism in the UK, warns report Meanwhile, the government aren't publishing their own report, which presumably says much the same thing...
(tags: saudiarabia terrorism uk ) The $100 Billion per year back pain industry is mostly a hoax (tags: bodies health medicine fraud ) A Short History of the O'Reilly Animals (tags: animals programming books viaSwampers design ) #HeterosexualPrideDay backfires as LGBT users subvert it on Twitter (tags: lgbt OhForFucksSake ) Learning from Scotland’s NHS (tags: scotland nhs ) No libraries or streetlights left in Britain by 2020 if austerity doesn't stop, warns Tory local government chief (tags: uk austerity ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

business, fraud, immigration, web, programming, scotland, women, northernireland, terrorism, bodies, nhs, memory, rome, austerity, materials, books, bias, thought, animals, links, history, menstruation, ohforfuckssake, cars, uk, physics, intelligence, saudiarabia, design, fail, money, space, electricity, #heterosexualprideday, health, photos, lgbt, viaswampers, medicine

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