Interesting Links for 29-06-2017

Jun 29, 2017 12:00

1 year ago: What you will wake up to if we vote to Leave... (Turned out to be entirely accurate) (tags: europe uk epicfail predictions ) Why do England's high-rises keep failing fire tests? (tags: health safety fire fail ) Turkish Government Seizes Fifty Churches, Monasteries (tags: turkey religion OhForFucksSake ) Man travels between Newcastle and London via Minorca because it's cheaper than a direct train (tags: viaDrJon trains uk travel ) The Postal Service is losing millions a year to help you buy cheap stuff from China (tags: postoffices usa china wtf ) An easter egg for one user: Luke Skywalker (tags: games programming StarWars funny ) Under-screen fingerprint sensor unveiled (tags: phones fingerprints ) If you're asking 'What real poor person could be at Glastonbury?' you've never been poor (tags: poverty society ) "Is it unethical for me to not tell my employer I've automated my job?" (tags: automation work questions ) Why Are Transgender People Immune To (Some) Optical Illusions? (tags: optical_illusion transgender lgbt brain psychology ) The Detransitioners: What life is like for people who come out as transgender, and then change their mind. A tiny percentage, but fascinating to see their viewpoint.
(tags: lgbt transgender ) Edinburgh trams make a profit two years ahead of schedule (tags: edinburgh trams GoodNews business ) Massive HIV Treatment Study Found Zero Transmissions Between Couples (tags: hiv medicine GoodNews relationships sex ) You'd think that if someone circumcised your child without your consent the police would take an interest. But no... (tags: circumcision uk OhForFucksSake ) German power company wants to use giant salt caverns as batteries (tags: germany batteries power ) Abortion reform matter for Stormont, court rules (tags: abortion law NorthernIreland uk ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

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