Interesting Links for 17-06-2017

Jun 17, 2017 12:00

If you can’t explain something in simple terms, you don’t understand it (tags: teaching Education science ) Decoding the Morse: The History of 16th-Century Narcoleptic Walruses (tags: animals history myths arctic ) Tim Farron's resignation (tags: libdem politics lgbt ) Amazon is buying Whole Foods (tags: food amazon shopping ) Volvo Delicately Dances Into the Semi-Autonomous Future (tags: cars driving automation ) Tories have blocked Labour legislation make rented homes safer - but it’s complicated. (tags: housing politics labour Conservatives uk safety ) How international law could scupper a Tory deal with the DUP (tags: law uk NorthernIreland ireland politics Conservatives OhForFucksSake ) Coconut oil as unhealthy as beef fat and butter Personally, I love beef fat. And butter. Mmmmmmmm.
(tags: food viaSwampers fat ) Transgender actors effective in teaching new doctors to provide respectful care (tags: lgbt healthcare ) Black women adopt white accents more readily than black men, in post apartheid South Africa (tags: southafrica race language gender ) I really am getting close to not caring about Doctor Who. The second comment makes a great point too
(tags: drwho review ) British Internet providers already censor political opinions they don't like (tags: censorship uk internet ) Sun journalist impersonated Grenfell Tower victim's friend at hospital (tags: media newspapers RupertMurdoch UK OhForFucksSake ) "Because I Moved 5 Shirts"... Portrait Of An Unexpected Twitter Storm (tags: Twitter feminism science NASA ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

education, language, arctic, law, twitter, nasa, conservatives, northernireland, drwho, feminism, safety, teaching, fat, animals, links, driving, history, healthcare, ohforfuckssake, newspapers, cars, science, uk, media, automation, shopping, rupertmurdoch, labour, censorship, myths, race, internet, ireland, gender, housing, lgbt, food, viaswampers, amazon, politics, southafrica, review, libdem

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