Interesting Links for 14-06-2017

Jun 14, 2017 12:12

Men! Are you juggling a successful career and fatherhood? Then you'll need these helpful tips! (tags: work life tips men sexism satire ) All 213 Beatles Songs, Ranked From Worst to Best (tags: music ) Boss threatened staff with redundancy if they voted Labour (tags: politics uk ) Is the keyboard faster than the mouse? (tags: ux productivity speed computers mice keyboard ) Drug that creates a 'real sun-tan' could prevent cancer (tags: sun cancer body ) Black Panther: World of Wakanda canceled: I'm the reason superhero comics are struggling Me too. I only buy trades, and I'm sure that has an effect.
(tags: comics publishing business ) Majority of every worker group voted for Labour over Tories except retired (tags: employment voting labour politics uk ) Kazakhstan Has First Ever Tabletop RPG Convention (tags: gaming viaElfy ) Donald Trump Is Making Europe Liberal Again (tags: usa Europe politics liberal voting ) I shall not be seeing The Mummy (tags: movies review funny ) Modernism in the Shadow of the Habsburg Empire (tags: history Europe empire language Germany austria Jews ) An amusing thread involving sexism, children, Disney, and troublesome grandmothers (tags: parenting movies Disney grandparents revolution patriarchy ) Abortion: NI women not entitled to NHS terminations in England (tags: abortion nhs uk england NorthernIreland ) Conservative supporters are more likely to be ill-educated or old Changeover point is of people who were 10 during Winter of Discontent. Which _still_ has my parents voting Conservative.
(tags: demographics age education politics UK ) The menace of UK's firetrap tower blocks (from 2013) (tags: uk safety housing fire OhForFucksSake ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

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