Interesting Links for 08-06-2017

Jun 08, 2017 12:00

FactCheck: Corbyn wrong on working-class students (tags: class labour students fees university ) China and California sign deal to work on climate change without Trump (tags: globalwarming china california usa GoodNews ) Which party manifestos were the best (or worst) grammatically? (tags: grammar politics uk ) How one refugee changed the mind of his travel ban-supporting neighbour (tags: bigotry usa politics refugee immigration viaSwampers ) When it comes to politicians and statistics you need to really look at the definitions (tags: statistics politics uk ) Electric cars accelerate past 2m mark globally - up by 60% in a year (tags: electricity cars Technology ) A Vietnamese skin clinic accidentally used the Umbrella Corporation logo... (tags: games funny fail ) Sony sells one million VR headsets (very happy with mine) (tags: VirtualReality playstation sony ) Parents kissing their children on the lips: Threat? Or Menace? (tags: children parenting wtf viaSwampers ) Genes influence ability to read a person's mind from their eyes (tags: eyes genetics psychology empathy ) We need to talk about Diane Abbott. (tags: Labour politics uk women race history ) 10+ Times People Failed To Send Dog Pics To ‘We Rate Dogs’ Twitter (tags: dogs cute funny ) 3-year-olds consuming alternative milks were 1.5 cm shorter on average (tags: milk children height ) Kansas Republicans raise taxes, ending their GOP governor’s ‘real live experiment’ in conservative policy (tags: tax usa republicans ) The transgenic petunia carnage of 2017 (tags: genetics flowers ) Portraits of Imaginary people (as drawn by a neural network) (tags: ai faces ) Using VR to help a severe stutter (tags: speech VirtualReality video ) Elections in the UK are run by an elite club. Chances are, you're not in it. (tags: voting uk video ) Renewables provide more than half UK energy for first time (70.2% low-carbon) (tags: power electricity uk renewables GoodNews ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
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