Interesting Links for 31-05-2017

May 31, 2017 12:00

One Man's Quest to Make 20-Year-Old Rum in Just Six Days (tags: alcohol technology light ) Why do pedants pedant? So much glorious trolling in this article. I literally exploded with joy.
(tags: personality psychology grammar funny ) Women win Glasgow City Council equal pay fight What on earth were Labour doing defending pay discrimination?
(tags: glasgow labour money women ) Patronising English arseholes wondering why Scotland might want independence (tags: independence scotland uk satire true ) White Male Terrorists Are an Issue We Should Discuss (tags: terrorism racism usa ) The atomic bomb considered as a Hungarian high school science fair project. (tags: hungary Jews genetics Intelligence history ) The Unflinching, Unfinished Battle Royale That’s Entrancing Gamers (tags: games violence ) Phthalates may impair thyroid in young girls (tags: phthalates children girls ) Diabetes linked to bacteria invading the colon (tags: microbiome diabetes ) Theresa May 'worships' with pastor who campaigned against gay equality and same-sex marriage (tags: lgbt religion Conservatives ) A kids' cartoon led to invasive raccoons in Japan (tags: animals cute raccoon japan anime ) Electric Cars Will Cost Less Than Petrol Card By 2025 (tags: cars transport electricity ) Conservatives used false data to justify grammar school plans (tags: schools Conservatives fraud ) What went wrong in the British Airways data centre? (a rumour round up) (tags: Technology epicfail airlines uk ) What the last Nuremberg prosecutor alive wants the world to know (tags: Holocaust history genocide war ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

anime, fraud, independence, true, light, genetics, glasgow, scotland, women, conservatives, microbiome, terrorism, usa, satire, personality, games, jews, transport, holocaust, hungary, phthalates, children, animals, links, diabetes, history, cars, technology, cute, uk, schools, funny, airlines, epicfail, labour, intelligence, japan, money, grammar, raccoon, racism, electricity, genocide, psychology, lgbt, religion, violence, war, girls, alcohol

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