Interesting Links for 12-04-2017

Apr 12, 2017 12:00

Google’s Dueling Neural Networks Spar to Get Smarter, No Humans Required (tags: ai google ) European Parliament votes to end visa-free travel for Americans (tags: europe usa travel OhForFucksSake ) 38% of Labour supporters think Corbyn would be a better Prime Minister than May Which, I think, comes down to perceived competence. May might be an awful human being who is unnecessarily tearing the country apart, but she still comes across as more capable of organising a piss-up in a brewery than Corbyn does.
(tags: labour Conservatives politics uk epicfail ) What lurks inside the walls of ancient buildings, and how was it supposed to keep out evil? (tags: history witchcraft superstition uk ) Boeing Dreamliner Gets $3M Cheaper Thanks to Rapid Plasma Deposition (tags: 3dprinting airplanes ) The Osiris Child - a trailer for proper trashy b-movie science fiction (tags: scifi trailer video movies ) The 5 Types Of Vaginas, As Revealed By A Bikini Waxer (tags: vagina ) Amazon's new sick policy: collective punishment (tags: amazon sick illness OhForFucksSake ) What Happened to "Who"? (tags: grammar english usa viaLizzieCassMaran ) Investigation finds prison inmates built computers and hid them in prison ceiling (tags: prison computers ) The changing definitions of the word "Robot" (tags: robots history language english scifi ) The factual impenetrability of zombie rules (Like insisting on "Who") (tags: language english history viaLizzieCassMaran ) Intestinal bacteria may protect against diabetes (tags: microbiome diabetes ) British man charged after US gamer is shot by Swat police following hoax terrorism call (tags: OhForFucksSake gaming police guns ) Why Buying T-Shirts Is the Absolute Best Way to Support Bands You Like (tags: t-shirts music business viaBartCalendar ) That Four-Star Rating You Left Could Cost Your Uber Driver Her Job (tags: ratings reviews OhForFucksSake ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

prison, music, business, computers, travel, google, language, sick, conservatives, movies, microbiome, superstition, usa, trailer, vagina, reviews, 3dprinting, links, history, airplanes, diabetes, ohforfuckssake, uk, europe, police, guns, ai, video, epicfail, labour, ratings, witchcraft, t-shirts, grammar, robots, gaming, illness, viabartcalendar, amazon, politics, english, vializziecassmaran, scifi

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