Interesting Links for 16-03-2017

Mar 16, 2017 12:00

Scientists need money so they’re yelling on Twitter (tags: ViaDrCross research twitter funny ) Brexit: Government has done no economic assessment of the UK crashing out of EU without deal (tags: uk europe economy OhForFucksSake epicfail government ) Surprise pig is surprising (tags: pigs cute ViaDrCross ) Petition · Westminster: Indyref2 to be decided with trial by combat. Sturgeon V May. (tags: funny petition independence scotland viaJohnBobShaun ) The Brexit bucket list: what to do before you leave the EU (tags: europe uk ) The Oxford comma: A Maine court settled the grammar debate over serial commas with a ruling on overtime pay for dairy-truck drivers (tags: grammar punctuation oxford law ) Why They Changed the Original Rogue One Ending (tags: StarWars movies ) CMON Announce A Song Of Ice And Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game! (tags: gameofthrones games ) Marine A's colleagues 'wanted Afghan insurgent dead' (tags: death war afghanistan law uk military ) Seven Ways to Win a Second Indy Referendum (tags: independence referendum scotland advice ) Genetic variant accelerates normal brain aging in older people by up to 12 years (tags: age brain genetics ) The new American Gods trailer looks awesome (tags: trailer tv myths neilgaiman ) The genes, neural circuits behind autism's impaired sociability (tags: social psychology autism genetics ) Female sexual desire is WEIRD and CONFUSING (tags: women sex psychology viaJennieRigg ) Cold Does Not Increase Odds of Catching Cold (tags: cold colds disease myths ) The SPRITE and the Carthorse: How to automate research fraud - now with carrots! (tags: food fraud research viaDrCross ) Unsealed documents show Monsanto ghost wrote research papers on RoundUp (tags: research fraud business ) How a "command & control" approach produces famine and cities nobody wants to live in (tags: cities liberal architecture design agriculture history ) Four things to note about record electoral fine against Conservative Party (tags: Conservatives elections ) Clean Energy Could Spark a Trade War Between the US and China (tags: renewables energy usa china Technology research ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
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