Interesting Links for 10-03-2017

Mar 10, 2017 12:00

Religious experiences may be down to epilepsy (tags: religion brain ) Indyref2 set for after May has ballsed everything up but before she’s kicked out (tags: independence funny true politics uk viaPatrickHadfield ) Chemtrails may protect against vaccine injuries, study finds (tags: satire research viaCipherGoth vaccine autism conspiracy ) Tracking your goals can make you enjoy them less Doesn't apply to goals you hate doing in the first place, of course. Which is how I feel about most exercise.
(tags: exercise motivation psychology ) This "Horrifying" Video Of Coca Cola Vs Coke Zero Is Actually Not Horrifying At All (tags: cocacola video sugar ) Space cake! (tags: cake space viaElfy ) A good example of why Wikipedia won't allow The Daily Mail as a source (tags: DailyMail lies pornography japan viaJennieRigg ) I was a Marine. I can’t be silent about the sexual harassment I faced anymore. (tags: usa military sexism abuse ) Hundreds of Marines investigated for sharing photos of naked colleagues (tags: usa sexism military ) "Google's Algorithm Is Lying to You About Onions and Blaming Me for It " (tags: google fail cooking ) A huge historical map collection (tags: maps history viaAlexTFish ) Worker uses women's name, gets treated like he knows nothing (tags: women sexism ) Buffy’s James Marsters on the hardest day of his professional life (tags: buffy interview ) BT strikes deal to legally separate Openreach division (tags: internet UK BT GoodNews ) Why Dentistry Is Separate from Medicine US centric, but similar questions apply elsewhere. Dentistry in the UK is much more privatised than the NHS, for instance
(tags: teeth medicine ) Working While Female - a follow-up to the earlier link (tags: women sexism work ) Look on my works, ye mighty … Ozymandias statue found in mud (tags: egypt archeology ) Elon Musk offers to fix Australian power network in 100 days (or do it for free) (tags: australia power batteries ) Are people's attention spans actually getting shorter? (tags: psychology attention research ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

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