Interesting Links for 24-01-2017

Jan 24, 2017 12:00

10% more people using the trams in Edinburgh (tags: trams edinburgh GoodNews ) Blue Feed, Red Feed - See Liberal Facebook and Conservative Facebook, Side by Side (tags: politics media facebook ) Lloyds of London are leaving London (tags: london uk europe finance ) Has Protectionism Ever Worked? (tags: economics history ) The Official Title for Star Wars: Episode VIII Revealed (tags: StarWars ) Cervical cancer much deadlier than originally thought (tags: women cancer ) How do you review bad art by someone in deep pain? (tags: emotion art games review reviews ) We need to talk about school start times (tags: school sleep teenagers ) Wolf-size extinct otter discovered: 6.24 million years old (tags: paleontology fossils otters ) SD lawmakers declare state of ’emergency’ to force repeal of ethics law (tags: ethics bribes law republicans usa ) Scientists Capture a "Sonic Boom" of Light (tags: light ) When Their Shifts End, Uber Drivers Set Up Camp in Parking Lots Across the U.S. (tags: capitalism work usa OhForFucksSake ) When people think it's ok to shoot nazis, the wrong people get shot (tags: nazis guns OhForFucksSake ) Official summary of the Supreme Court judgement on whether the government can invoke Article 50 without parliament (tags: viaSwampers law europe uk ) People have completely forgotten that in 1972 we had over nineteen hundred domestic bombings in the United States (tags: society violence politics history ) Nicotine Normalizes Brain Activity Deficits That Are Key to Schizophrenia (tags: nicotine schizophrenia brain ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
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