Interesting Links for 30-11-2016

Nov 30, 2016 12:00

India’s rupee restrictions are boosting demand for bitcoin (tags: bitcoin india currency ) EU amazed that Brexit plan covers whole side of A4 (tags: viaSwampers satire funny europe uk ) Tories open near record poll lead (tags: politics uk ) When an individual has a conversation with Theresa May about Brexit (tags: europe uk politics ) What are the most popular PINs? (And are you using one?) (tags: security passwords numbers ) Get ready for 24-30% reduction in cost of wind power by 2030 (tags: windpower ) Nintendo attractions are coming to all Universal theme parks (tags: nintendo ) Candle artisans are upset that anyone can just buy a light-bulb To be clear, the article has two streams: 1) This oven is really annoying, and a complete failure at "Freeing people from having to actually cook." 2) All people should learn to cook, not teach their ovens to do it for them. I am _totally_ on board with (1).
(tags: cooking design thefuture Technology ) This is your brain on God: Spiritual experiences activate brain reward circuits (tags: religion brain happiness ) Decoding the Thought Vector (tags: ai neurons ) Lord Of The Rings at 15: the Fellowship interview each other (tags: lotr interview ) Labour councillor presses wrong voting button, blocks party's £400million IT privatisation plan (tags: OhForFucksSake voting scotland computers ) Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy (tags: language freespeech politics race history ) Sex Pistols Manager’s Son Burns Punk Memorabilia Worth Millions (tags: music money ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

india, music, computers, security, language, scotland, freespeech, thefuture, brain, lotr, satire, neurons, cooking, numbers, links, windpower, history, passwords, ohforfuckssake, technology, currency, interview, nintendo, uk, europe, voting, funny, ai, bitcoin, design, race, money, religion, viaswampers, politics, happiness

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