Interesting Links for 15-11-2016

Nov 15, 2016 12:00

China, Japan, Russia, & South Korea Plan Renewable Energy Super Grid (tags: renewables china japan electricity russia ) Little Ripley "Aliens" Christmas Cards (The other christmas cards on the site are also awesome) (tags: cute aliens christmas viaSwampers ) Your body reveals your password by interfering with Wi-Fi (tags: wifi security impressive ) Celebrating the first atheist MP Charles Bradlaugh (tags: atheism history politics uk ) UK Electrical Socket Covers are both unnecessary and dangerous (tags: electricity safety uk ) Hitting reply-to-all is particularly bad if there are 1.2m people on the mailing list... (tags: email epicfail OhForFucksSake ) Maine votes to use AV/IRV (tags: voting GoodNews reform usa ) Storing renewable power by driving trains up hills (tags: renewables power electricity energy storage ) Faig Ahmed Creates Glitched-Out Contemporary Rugs from Traditional Azerbaijani Textiles (I would *love* one) (tags: art design Technology culture ) "Hitler's only kidding about the antisemitism" New York Times, 1922 (tags: history nazis hitler OhForFucksSake Jews ) Barack Obama on being a feminist (tags: feminism obama ) Trump doesn't understand how much work being President is, and his aides don't understand the White House (tags: politics usa OhForFucksSake ) On Right-Wing Authoritarianism and Trump (tags: psychology politics usa ) First electricity from tidal power scheme in Scotland (tags: scotland power ) Killing Lara Croft (tags: games death history ) Leaked Brexit memo: no single plan and Whitehall struggling to cope (tags: government uk europe ) Government on course to miss promised 'million homes' housebuilding target (tags: uk housing ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

art, storage, security, goodnews, death, scotland, renewables, email, christmas, feminism, usa, aliens, safety, reform, russia, games, jews, nazis, links, hitler, history, ohforfuckssake, government, technology, cute, uk, europe, voting, impressive, epicfail, wifi, japan, design, energy, culture, obama, atheism, electricity, psychology, power, housing, china, viaswampers, politics

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