Interesting Links for 30-08-2016

Aug 30, 2016 12:00

Balls to learning how to animate, let's rotoscope some parkour! (tags: games animation computers ) What the world needs now is a dinosaur emoji "To be clear, Schwarz does not own any dinosaurs. He lives in Berlin and works at a travel start-up."
(tags: dinosaurs emoji ) The giant pyramid hidden inside a mountain (tags: design history mexico ) Shetland turbines at Bluemull Sound connected to grid (tags: power scotland renewables ) Lightning strike kills 323 reindeer (tags: norway weather electricity video viaSwampers ) It’s Time for Shows to Start Saying No to Season Two (some spoilers) (tags: tv writing business ) Facebook fires human editors, algorithm immediately posts fake news (tags: facebook news ai fail ) Rebutting papers doesn't stop scientists believing them (tags: science errors fail ) Dogs recognize both words and tone to know when they’re good (tags: dogs language emotion Intelligence ) Trent Reznor Recalls How David Bowie Helped Him Get Sober (tags: DavidBowie TrentReznor music drugs alcohol ) Not all problems in the US healthcare system require more regulation (tags: drugs healthcare usa regulation lobbying corruption ) More evidence that literary, but not pop, fiction boosts readers’ emotional skills (tags: emotion fiction writing books ) Killer wives are "wicked", killer husbands are "stressed" - uncovering the sexism in judges’ closing remarks (small study, but interesting) (tags: law sexism murder australia ) Facebook recommended that this psychiatrist’s patients friend each other (tags: facebook privacy ) Apple should repay Ireland €13bn, European Commission rules (tags: tax ireland apple europe ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

music, business, news, computers, trentreznor, language, scotland, law, renewables, errors, emoji, corruption, usa, fiction, lobbying, games, books, emotion, links, dinosaurs, healthcare, australia, history, drugs, weather, norway, sexism, science, europe, ai, apple, facebook, video, intelligence, design, fail, murder, dogs, tv, davidbowie, ireland, electricity, animation, writing, power, mexico, tax, privacy, viaswampers, regulation, alcohol

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