Interesting Links for 25-07-2016

Jul 25, 2016 12:00

The great British pensions cock-up (tags: pensions uk viaDanielDWilliam ) This is why people hate Congress: politics stymies fight against Zika virus (tags: politics disease OhForFucksSake ) The Kiling Joke - Movie Review (tags: movies review OhForFucksSake batman ) We used to think that lichens were alliances between two organisms, turns out there are three. (tags: life biology nature ) Conspiracy theorists finally convinced no secret society could possibly be running this mess (tags: conspiracy politics satire funny ) Donald Trump’s Ghostwriter Tells All (tags: politics business usa ) How archaeologists found the lost medieval megacity of Angkor (tags: archaeology ) Why American's Can’t Actually Parent Like a French Mom (tags: parenting usa france government ) What an EU Referendum should have looked like (tags: europe politics ) Why has Scotland risen above the anti-immigrant mood that fuelled the Brexit vote? (tags: europe uk scotland ) GE Canada are looking for a PDP-11 programmer. To last them through 2050... (tags: nuclearpower computers history EpicWTF Technology canada ) Is the time right for Indyref2? (tags: scotland independence ) You can increase your intelligence: 5 ways to maximize your cognitive potential (tags: Intelligence development ) What's the truth about casual sex? (tags: sex relationships ) The Scottish farmer and the Nazi bomb (tags: wwii scotland farming funny history ) Audio-Only Porn Is Putting the Mystery into Masturbation (tags: porn sound ) The FarmBot Genesis Brings Precision Agriculture to Your Own Backyard Not as efficient as mass agriculture, of course. But still pretty cool.
(tags: Technology farming food ) Study finds Disney Princess culture magnifies stereotypes in young girls (tags: girls Disney stereotypes society women ) Central bank digital currency: the end of monetary policy as we know it? (tags: banking Technology currency ) No, autistic people do not have a "broken" mirror neuron system (tags: autism neurons psychology ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

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