Interesting Links for 29-06-2016

Jun 29, 2016 12:00

AI fighter pilot wins in combat simulation (tags: ai airplanes war military ) Who governs Britain? This is the UK's new 10-party system (tags: politics europe uk ) Majority of new Labour members support deselecting MPs who undermine Jeremy Corbyn (tags: labour politics uk ) Jeremy Corbyn loses 'no confidence' vote among Labour MPs by 172 to 40 (tags: labour politics uk ) Scotland's First Minister sets up expert group to advise on aftermath of Brexit vote (tags: scotland uk europe ) Eggs Don't Cause Heart Attacks -- Sugar Does (tags: food sugar heart health ) Tetris gets trilogy as story 'too big' to fit into single film (tags: tetris EpicWTF movies games ) Less Than 1000 Brits Googled "What is the EU?" After Referendum (tags: google europe uk myths referendum ) US border authority seeks travellers' social media details (tags: usa immigration travel socialmedia OhForFucksSake ) Exercise Releases Brain-Healthy Protein (tags: exercise health brain ) 13 Questions to Ask Before Getting Married (tags: marriage relationships ) All the important stuff that happens offscreen in Independence Day: Resurgence Seriously, do people have to actively work at making films this badly?
(tags: movies fail ) Study shows Millennial Men do not think of women as their equals (tags: men feminism usa misogyny ) Chemists say they finally know how to make soft, delicious gluten-free bread Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
(tags: gluten food viaCahwyguy ) Amazing closeups of a Luna Moth's wing (tags: photos beautiful animals ) The classic meme returns: Brexit vs Downfall! (tags: video uk europe referendum politics funny ) UK in breach of international human rights (tags: humanrights austerity welfare uk ) Inside a robot-run warehouse (tags: robots business jobs china ) The key lesson of Brexit is that globalisation must work for all of Britain Gordon Brown speaking a huge amount of good sense.
(tags: politics globalization labour uk economics europe scotland ) The Languages Which Almost Became CSS (tags: web history browser ) Brexit Buzzword Bingo - Can you collect the set? (tags: uk europe funny ) Making Sense of Brexit - the data you need to analyse (tags: europe uk data ) Open plan offices are basically terrible in every way (tags: office work fail ) SNP bids to replace Labour as official Commons opposition (tags: snp labour funny politics uk scotland ) Suffering Vs. Oblivion (tags: morality death happiness ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

business, travel, work, google, immigration, globalization, web, death, referendum, scotland, brain, gluten, movies, heart, exercise, feminism, economics, usa, marriage, games, austerity, socialmedia, sugar, military, office, welfare, animals, links, epicwtf, airplanes, history, ohforfuckssake, men, humanrights, uk, europe, ai, funny, browser, data, video, labour, fail, misogyny, myths, jobs, snp, relationships, tetris, robots, beautiful, health, photos, china, morality, food, war, viacahwyguy, happiness, politics

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