Interesting Links for 22-06-2016

Jun 22, 2016 12:00

Less than a quarter of people buy CDs, and most of those are over 40 (tags: music Technology streaming uk ) A report on e-voting in Estonia shows how dangerous the whole idea is (tags: Technology security voting ) Is the EU really run by unelected bureaucrats? (tags: europe democracy ) Krugman on Brexit (tags: economics europe uk referendum ) Pumping bike tires up doesn't make them go faster (tags: bicycles viaFanf research ) The Warcraft movie: one of the most successful stinkers of all time (tags: WarCraft WorldOfWarcraft movies money china ) Insulin-sensitive fat leads to obesity (tags: obesity fat insulin genetics ) How to get upgraded from "Schroedinger's Rapist" to "Probably Rapist" (tags: rape consent men ) Not the Nine O'Clock News sums up the reactions to the death of Jo Cox (tags: viaJennieRigg death politics funny video ) When two people from Northern Ireland meet, the conversation goes a little like this... (tags: comic NorthernIreland funny ) Fairyography does photoshoots where little girls dress as fairies. Here she does big beardy men instead... (tags: beards funny photography viaElfy ) The Problem of Susan (tags: narnia ) There is now really no excuse for not using two-factor authentication on your Google account. (tags: google security ) For men, the importance of safe sex depends on how hot their partner is (tags: beauty sex safety men OhForFucksSake ) England has one of the world's highest rates of tornadoes, relative to its size (tags: uk england wind ) What's the EU doing about intra-country tax-avoidance? (tags: tax europe ) Watch A Japanese Dance Troupe Perform With Drones (tags: drone dance video ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

viafanf, music, security, rape, google, genetics, death, referendum, viajennierigg, movies, northernireland, economics, safety, drone, viaelfy, beards, insulin, sex, comic, fat, research, democracy, links, ohforfuckssake, men, obesity, technology, beauty, consent, uk, europe, voting, funny, streaming, video, wind, bicycles, photography, worldofwarcraft, money, dance, narnia, tax, england, china, warcraft, politics

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