Interesting Links for 16-06-2016

Jun 16, 2016 12:00

Remain And Leave Campaign Boats Are Engaged In Low-Level Naval Warfare On The Thames (tags: london uk europe referendum EpicWTF viaSwampers ) X-ray Experiments Show Hewlett Packard Team How Memristors Work (tags: Technology computers ) Can Netflix Survive in the New World It Created? (tags: tv streaming netflix business internet ) Gravitational waves announcement: Scientists hail ‘spectacular’ new detection of ripples in spacetime (tags: physics space gravity science ) Twitter updates its block button to hide retweets on users' timelines (tags: twitter abuse socialnetworking ) FactCheck: does immigration drive down wages? (tags: immigration wages ) 42% of Canadian jobs at high risk of being affected by automation (tags: canada robots automation ) Study offers explanation for why women leave engineering (Spoilers: It's men treating them like non-engineers) (tags: engineering women society ) Impact of antibiotic treatment, caesareans, breastfeeding on infant gut microbiome revealed (tags: microbiome babies breastfeeding antibiotics ) On acknowledging the concerns of racists (tags: racism immigration ) This is making me happy that I didn't see Batman vs not-actually-Superman (tags: superman batman funny comic movies ) Killing Male Chicks Before They Hatch Is Hailed as a Major Moral Win (tags: morality animals viaSwampers ) The $45B Chan Zuckerberg Initiative invests in African software developers (tags: software africa charity facebook ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

business, computers, immigration, referendum, charity, society, women, antibiotics, twitter, africa, movies, microbiome, london, engineering, babies, comic, batman, abuse, animals, links, epicwtf, superman, technology, gravity, science, uk, canada, automation, europe, funny, wages, streaming, facebook, software, physics, netflix, internet, tv, space, robots, breastfeeding, racism, morality, viaswampers, socialnetworking

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