Interesting Links for 08-05-2016

May 08, 2016 12:00

Boys do better in reading than girls - if told that it's a game (tags: gender reading children ) Medical Equipment Crashes During Heart Procedure Because of Antivirus Scan (tags: virus Technology fail ) Two-Minute Warnings May Fuel Screen-Time Tantrums (tags: psychology children Technology viaSwampers ) Wolves: Why are they so badass? (A report) (tags: wolves funny ) Algorithms for the Traveling Salesman Problem visualized (tags: algorithms visualisation video viaSwampers ) The World's Newest Major Religion: No Religion (tags: religion atheism ) Tax credits, disability benefit and nine other U-turns from the first year of a Conservative government (tags: Conservatives politics government ) The Female Form, Dressed Only in Light (NSFW) (tags: light photographs ) Anyone not already using Dropbox and want a referral? 500MB of bonus storage to both of us... Seriously - if you're _not_ already keeping all of your important documents and photos in Dropbox (or OneDrive, or some other constantly syncing backup system) then you really, really should be.
(tags: data storage ) I want this Infinity Pi Quilt! (tags: design mathematics awesome ) Virtual Reality may make the real world seem false... Of course, computer games have been doing that for me since Doom in 1993...
(tags: games VirtualReality reality perception ) People don't like it when you refuse to lie to your kids (tags: children lying parenting lies ) Sexuality labels are less popular - but they are still useful (tags: politics lgbt language ) What does a "like" mean on Instagram or Facebook now? (I am so completely out of touch) (tags: facebook socialnetworking ) "The day we discovered our parents were Russian spies" (tags: spying russia canada ) Baby cheetahs are cute little floof-monsters! (tags: cute cats ) Giger explains why the Alien eggs are doubly obscene (tags: religion aliens design catholicism ) What it's like to be on tour with Prince (tags: music photography viaSoonLee ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

virtualreality, virus, music, storage, language, light, reality, conservatives, perception, aliens, russia, games, awesome, wolves, lying, children, viasoonlee, links, spying, government, technology, cute, canada, algorithms, funny, data, facebook, photographs, video, visualisation, design, fail, photography, reading, catholicism, parenting, lies, atheism, gender, psychology, lgbt, religion, viaswampers, socialnetworking, politics, mathematics, cats

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