Interesting Links for 15-04-2016

Apr 15, 2016 12:00

Capitalism excels at innovation but is failing at maintenance, and for most lives it is maintenance that matters more (tags: innovation capitalism viaFanf ) The researcher who claimed that you either "get" computers or don't has now retracted their claim. (tags: computers learning ) If traditional relationships were treated like alternative relationships (tags: relationships funny society ) Man accidentally deletes his entire company with one line. (tags: OhForFucksSake web computers epicfail ) Chrome 50 ends support for Windows XP, OS X 10.6, other old versions (tags: browser google Technology ) Millions of women left unabused after Twitter outage (tags: twitter abuse funny satire ) Star Trek: TOS - more female friendly (and downright feminist) than a lot of modern TV (tags: tv StarTrek feminism women history ) I like this an awful lot. I have no idea why. Anyone care to explain me to me? (tags: meaning anime ) Person finds their grandfather's notebook. Discovers things about them they never expected. (tags: history family sexuality lgbt ) The Flynn Effect and abstract reasoning (tags: Intelligence iq thinking thought abstraction ) When Trigger Warnings Attack!: What happens when they're taken too far? (tags: language society discussion ) China moves Dr Strange's origin from Tibet to Nepal. In other news, China is a big movie market. (tags: china marvel movies ) A GUIDE FOR YOUNG LADIES ENTERING THE SERVICE OF THE FAIRIES (tags: shortstory love ) Good Omens: Neil Gaiman to adapt Terry Pratchett collaboration for TV (tags: neilgaiman terrypratchett tv ) How the U.N. caused Haiti’s cholera epidemic (tags: disease UnitedNations visualisation ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
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viafanf, marvel, anime, computers, google, love, language, web, society, discussion, women, thinking, twitter, movies, feminism, abstraction, unitednations, family, iq, disease, satire, meaning, thought, abuse, sexuality, links, history, ohforfuckssake, terrypratchett, technology, funny, browser, epicfail, visualisation, intelligence, shortstory, neilgaiman, tv, relationships, learning, startrek, capitalism, innovation, lgbt, china

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