Interesting Links for 11-04-2016

Apr 11, 2016 12:00

Africa's great opportunity for reform (tags: africa government Education tax economy ) The Largest Ever Analysis of Film Dialogue by Gender: 2,000 scripts, 25,000 actors, 4 million lines (tags: gender data research visualisation movies ) Bitcoin Start-Up Gets an Electronic Money License in Britain (possibly cheaper way to convert pounds to dollars too) (tags: bitcoin uk banking money ) A Faerie Guide To Edinburgh. (It's all true. Every word of it) (tags: edinburgh funny video ) Complete History Of The Soviet Union, Arranged To The Melody Of Tetris A classsic. Which I hadn't watched in years
(tags: games history video russia ) Otters! In! Snow! (tags: cute animals ) Scottish newspaper reveals identity of superinjunction couple (tags: censorship uk scotland law newspapers ) Ego depletion, an influential theory in psychology, may have just been debunked. (tags: psychology research ) Avoid empathy burnout by understanding someone’s pain without feeling it yourself (tags: empathy psychology advice emotions ) Probably the best article I've read on cryonics (tags: death thefuture Technology ) Earbuds that can transform the sounds that surround you. (tags: sound Technology ) Sometimes you're the bunny, sometimes you're the hawk (tags: animals life ) The Dalek/Cybermen sass-off is still one of my favourite scenes in all of Doctor Who (tags: drwho funny ) Toronto is a glitch in The Matrix (tags: canada architecture ) All Prior Art algorithmically creates all possible new prior art, thereby making the concepts not patentable (tags: art patents ) HMRC chief was partner at law firm that acted for Cameron offshore fund (tags: tax davidcameron uk OhForFucksSake ) Yet another US president realises that if you remove a government you need to be prepared for the aftermath (tags: usa middle_east epicfail libya ) Online Dating and the Death of the 'Mixed-Attractiveness' Couple (tags: relationships dating beauty attraction internet ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

attraction, art, education, patents, economy, death, scotland, law, africa, thefuture, dating, life, movies, drwho, emotions, middle_east, usa, advice, russia, games, edinburgh, research, libya, architecture, animals, links, history, ohforfuckssake, government, sound, newspapers, technology, cute, beauty, uk, canada, bitcoin, funny, data, davidcameron, video, epicfail, visualisation, censorship, banking, money, internet, relationships, gender, psychology, tax, empathy

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