Interesting Links for 07-04-2016

Apr 07, 2016 12:00

Britons learn everything is a massive con and then go back to work (tags: society tax inequality satire ) What is a "Good Job"? (tags: jobs psychology work ) Discovery of 1,000-year-old Viking site in Canada could rewrite history (tags: history canada ) 'Scunthorpe' is a four-letter word: Facebook stops band from promoting Lincolnshire gig (tags: language swearing facebook funny viaSwampers censorship ) The Illegal Map of Swedish Art (tags: sweden art copyright OhForFucksSake ) Cuckolded fathers rare in human populations (tags: children parenting relationships family ) Google intentionally bricking devices because they can't be bothered supporting them any more. (tags: google EpicWTF Technology OhForFucksSake ) Britain: Stereotypes Vs Reality (tags: uk stereotypes funny ) A high-tech storytelling gameworld has just opened its doors in Santa Fe, New Mexico. (tags: art GeorgeRRMartin ) Llama cosplay is clearly the future (tags: cosplay funny animals ) The Sad, Strange Legal Battles of 'Last Unicorn' Author Peter S. Beagle (tags: animation fraud abuse OhForFucksSake ) The Truth About Connor Cochran and Working on The Last Unicorn tour (tags: animation movies abuse ) 15 Out Of 15 Most Recent EU Terrorists Were Known To The Authorities In Multiple Ways (tags: terrorism fail encryption viaFanf ) Cameron stepped in to shield offshore trusts from EU tax crackdown in 2013 (tags: tax uk europe davidcameron ) Psychiatrists think mental health problems are biological. Clinical psychologists think they're circumstantial (tags: psychology ) The sugar conspiracy. And in this case "conspiracy" actually seems reasonable. So much complete rubbish in nutritional research, complete with political intervention and coverups.
(tags: sugar diet health ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

viafanf, art, work, fraud, google, language, society, movies, inequality, terrorism, encryption, family, satire, sugar, stereotypes, copyright, swearing, abuse, children, animals, links, epicwtf, history, ohforfuckssake, technology, uk, georgerrmartin, canada, europe, funny, davidcameron, facebook, diet, fail, censorship, jobs, sweden, parenting, relationships, health, animation, cosplay, psychology, tax, viaswampers

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