Interesting Links for 25-02-2016

Feb 25, 2016 12:00

I should clearly watch 'Jupiter Ascending' (tags: movies scifi ) From Colorado, a glimpse at life after marijuana legalization (tags: marijuana drugs legalisation ) Opposites do not attract. We crave the like-minded (tags: relationships friendship psychology ) David Cameron blasts Israel's 'genuinely shocking' illegal settlements (tags: israel davidcameron ) Microsoft are now displaying ads on the Windows 10 lock-screen. Here's how to turn it off. (tags: microsoft advertising OhForFucksSake ) Why is it so hard to persuade people with facts? (tags: facts discussion psychology ) The Importance of Having and ENFORCING Harassment Policies at Cons (tags: conventions harrassment ) The truth about Stan Lee (tags: history comics ) Testing The Leap Motion In VR. (Contains Happy Swearing) (tags: VirtualReality video ) The Best Toy In The History Of The World (tags: toys StarWars ) Saying 'Neckbeard' Isn't Hurtful in the Way You Think - Why We Need to Drop This Insult (tags: feminism ) Conservatives prefer using nouns, liberals adjectives (tags: politics grammar psychology ) Why the technology in Star Trek is always going wrong (tags: StarTrek funny Technology ) Beware awful diet journalism (tags: journalism diet health fraud fail ) Inside the topless sisterhood (life as a showgirl) (tags: dancing viaSwampers ) NHS - over budget or underfunded? (tags: healthcare budget money politics ) Ofcom tells BT to open up cable network to rivals (but doesn't split OpenReach off) (tags: BT phones internet communication regulation uk ) Two Attitudes In Psychiatry (tags: healthcare doctors brain mentalhealth ) Flexible working - not as simple as you might think (tags: work jobs time ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
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microsoft, virtualreality, work, fraud, advertising, discussion, phones, dancing, brain, journalism, movies, feminism, time, israel, doctors, links, healthcare, history, drugs, ohforfuckssake, budget, technology, uk, funny, starwars, davidcameron, comics, communication, diet, video, conventions, friendship, fail, mentalhealth, toys, jobs, marijuana, legalisation, money, internet, grammar, relationships, startrek, bt, health, psychology, viaswampers, harrassment, regulation, politics, scifi, facts

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