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octopoid_horror December 18 2015, 21:36:22 UTC
I sometimes wonder if part of the problem with the facebook real identity thing is because the kind of people who implement that policy are in a sheltered tech bubble where they see posts by people like themselves and a] don't realise that a whole lot of folk don't see using a real identity as any barrier to being a bigot online b] don't realise that there are people who don't have a lifestyle like theirs so might want to use a different identity online and c] can't imagine people who work for companies that aren't social media friendly tech companies so might want to be able to say "work sucked" on social media without getting disciplined for it the next day


andrewducker December 18 2015, 21:50:55 UTC

I now have several work people on FB, which means that if I want to complain about work then I'd need to set up filters.

And if I was a radically different person in and out of work then I'd need to vastly more to be secure there.


octopoid_horror December 18 2015, 21:53:00 UTC
Even if you had no work people on FB but your profile said which company you worked for, then a single public post complaining about work would be all it took for a lot of companies to haul you in.


andrewducker December 18 2015, 21:53:38 UTC
Sorry, yes, was assuming that everything was friends-locked


octopoid_horror December 18 2015, 21:54:53 UTC
The only sensible way to post, but not the way a lot of people post far as I can tell!


cybik December 18 2015, 22:30:38 UTC
I think most people are not tech-savvy..


octopoid_horror December 18 2015, 22:33:56 UTC
No, which makes it rather funny that Facebook thing a real names policy will stop people posting OMG IF YOU BELIEVE THIS YOU DESERVE TO DIE


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