Julie and I just watched the first episode of "Humans", the Channel 4 drama set _now_, only with the addition of robot workers. There are robots working in the NHS, robots working picking crops, and robots living in people's homes, picking up their socks and making them lavish breakfasts. The question being, what does this do to people?
So far we have three plotlines, all woven together, and frankly the two which are focussing on "How do ordinary people react to things which look like people but aren't" are the more interesting ones - something helped by setting it in the present day, rather than in a shinier future. Other than that, the ideas aren't terribly original, probably because there aren't any ideas left about robots that haven't been done to death. But it's well presented, nicely put together, and thoroughly watchable.
The pace is interesting - it feels terribly British in its smooth slowness. Plenty happens, but it never feels like it's moving quickly. I'm not sure what it is about that that feels clasically British - anyone know enough about the differences between US and UK TV to explain?
Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.