Feelings, unicorns, and possible eagles

Jun 14, 2015 23:20

Today has been a better day. I slept for about 12 hours, woke up in time for breakfast, spent most of the day lying around the hotel room (except for 45 minutes when they threw me out to clean the room), chatted to friends online, and read the entirety of Phoebe And Her Unicorn, which was great, and I recommend anyone who enjoyed Calvin & Hobbes. My stomach is definitely not fine, but it's significantly better, there's been hardly any pain, and my brain is functioning at nearly 80% - I can even type with only a few typos, rather than having to correct everything three times, as I had to for my post yesterday.

Also, if anyone can discern bird types from blurry photos, then there have been several of these over the river since we got here, hovering on updrafts, and occasionally dropping down to grab a fish:

Wing span of about five feet, brown in colour, and doesn't hold still long enough for me to get a decent shot, sadly. Small eagle? Large hawk? I'm hoping that wing shape is enough for someone more ornithologically inclined than myself...

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